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My aim is to help you become the wealthiest person naturally. Everyone tries to be fit and fine in the best possible way, but sometimes it requires a little push. I will happily assist you in the journey towards your best health.
My Tools:

HOMEOPATHYAn ancient, more than 200 years old therapeutic method of restoring health by using least number of remedies in minimum possible doses coming from natural sources (plant, animal, mineral worlds and some others) in a way that it poses no harm to the person! 

The term homeopathy is derived from the Greek words ὅµοιος (hómoios: similar) and πάθος (páthos: suffering, disease). Homeopathy has a holistic approach to healing, with as its central tenet that “like cures like” (in Latin: similia similibus curentur). 

Established in 1796 by the German physician Samuel Christian Hahnemann, it treats patients with heavily diluted preparations of substances which in their undiluted form are thought to cause effects similar to the symptoms presented.

According to WHO, homeopathy is the second largest system of medicine with a growth rate of 20-25% every year. The growing popularity of homeopathy and its legal acceptance has been seen in 66 countries. 
A recent research shows that growing interest in homeopathy in developed countries has fueled the growth in the homeopathic products market, which is forecast to reach over $17 billion by 2024 - the same market was calculated to be worth $386 million in 2015.

NUTRITIONHale and Hearty nutrition is what we need to stay fine and live one hundred percent every single day of our life!
Nutrition or nourishment is the supply of materials - food - required by organisms and cells to stay alive. Nutrition also focuses on how diseases, conditions, and problems can be prevented or lessened with a healthy diet. 

How to Proceed:

For free initial advice on whether I can help you with any of your health concerns, You can reach me by any of the following:


Whatsapp: (852)67028858 

To book the appointment:

 Central: Vitality Center

9/F, Li Dong Building
9 Li Yuen Street East, Central

 Tel: +(852) 25371118 

Whatsapp: 59972090

Hang Hau: Osteo & Co Holistic Center

G/F, 48 Yue On Lane, Hang Hau Village
Hang Hau, Tseung Kwan O, NT
Tel: (852)28841180
Whatsapp: 67594103

Homeopathy works on individualized approach, that is taking care of the person and same is the plan for Nutrition. 

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