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COVID-19: We Will Win the Marathon

Over the past few months we all have been living in an uncertain time brought to us by the ‘severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2’ (SARS-CoV-2).
SARS-CoV-2, which was previously known as the 2019 novel coronavirus, is a member of a broader family of coronaviruses (CoV) that cause a range of illnesses, from the common cold to more severe diseases including Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV).
As we all know, signs and symptoms of COVID-19 vary greatly from mild respiratory symptoms, fever and cough, to more severe symptoms such as shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. It can be serious in some cases if the vital organs get effected.  According to the CDC, symptoms can develop 2-14 days after exposure. It appears to have the most severe effect on the elderly and people with existing medical conditions – particularly those with respiratory problems.
Given that there are no scientific trials available for any treatment of COVID 19, most of the advice from the chief medical sources is based around hygiene and prevention. We cannot stress strongly enough that these measures are of the utmost importance and everyone should be advised to follow them. They are vital both for our own health, and also for those with whom we come into contact.

There are four key points to take care during this fight against the covid-19:
1.    Hygiene
2.    Social distancing
3.    Immunity
4.    Well-being

During this indefinite time, we are all together in this journey which truly seems distressing but surely is not endless because nothing does last forever.
To help you get through this tough time, here are some useful ingredients to boost your immune system, deal with the anxiety, build resilience and stronger defences.

Basic and most important: Hygiene & Social-distancing
Following are basic concepts to help avoid exposure and exposing others to any virus including this one:
– Avoid large crowds and places with poor ventilation and always wear mask whenever go in public places.
– Prioritize regular handwashing with soap and water for at least twenty seconds, especially before eating.
– Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
– Use alcohol-based hand sanitizers when handwashing is not possible.
– Limit handling doorknobs and other public surfaces without gloves. Wash gloves daily.
– Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue and discard or sneeze into your bent elbow.
– Avoid people who are sick.
– If you are feeling run down, rest and refresh.
– Isolate yourself at home if you are sick.

To continue to support our clients during the COVID-19 pandemic, we are able to offer most of our consultation services by phone or online. Our wonderful front desk staff is working tirelessly to provide you the prescriptions and direct the courier deliveries.
This includes support for those who are currently located overseas, for those who are self-isolating, are in quarantine or simply prefer to travel less and receive support from the comfort of their own home.

Naturopathic approach: Immunity & Well-being
In these exceptional times, uncertainty and anxiety can cause us to forget the basics that keep us healthy and able to cope well. It is important to keep track that our mind-Body-Spirit are in sound state. There are various means to boost our immune system, deal with anxiety and build resilience.
With these simple measures that are available easily, it possible to turn the physical and mental helplessness into strength, love and certainty.

Our immune system requires at least 7-8 hours a night to replenish. Ensure adequate sleep, which is essential for the immune system to function properly.

Drink at least 7-8 cups a day.  This keeps your mucus membranes moist and more resistant to infection and becomes even more important if you do become unwell. Hydration is very important factor in keeping us healthy. Water, herbal teas, coconut water, soups, broths are among some of the choices. 
Vegetable or chicken broth help to replenish electrolytes, as well as having other health benefits.
In 2005, a reseach study had disclosed that the natural polyphenols found in tea were inhibitive against the virally encoded 3C-like protease (3CLPro) which has been presumed critical for the viral replication of SARS-CoV (the causative agent of SARS epidemic in 2003) in infected host cells. Puer and black tea were found more potent in their inhibitory activities against 3CLPro.

Regular and appropriate exercise helps to support immune function and has also been associated with lower trait anxiety. It promotes good circulation, which allows the cells and substances of the immune system to move through the body freely and do their job efficiently.
Indoor workouts, yoga, stretching, tai chi, pilates, go-noodle are a few of the picks. So, let’s keep moving!

Diet & Supplements
Eat a diet that supports optimal immune function, including whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats. Nutritional supplements can be taken to help ensure optimal immune system function e.g. zinc, selenium, vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin A, probiotics, and seaweed extract. It is better to refrain from sugars, alcohol, and overly processed foods.
The research has shown there are natural medicines that help support immunity during the cold and flu season, including:
·       Elderberry,
·       Echinacea,
·       Olive leaf, 
·      Andrographis,
·      Ginger,
·      Peppermint
·      Licorice root,
·      Ginseng
Common and affordable kitchen herbs with antiviral properties include Onion, Garlic, BasilSage, Rosemary, and Oregano, which can be used in cooking.

Homeopathic medicines have been used extensively for treatment and prophylaxis flu-like symptoms and in epidemics around the world. Selection of the most appropriate homeopathic medicine is based on an individual’s unique symptoms.
However, following are commonly used for flu-like symptoms and have a long-established, traditional usage over many years and can help in immunity building:

Other remedies & supplements:

Mental & Spiritual Well-being
Undoubtedly, the current circumstances have triggered an unusual amount of anxiety and fear which has produced a sustained stress amid the various issues related to the health, work, finances and many more.

Being in a prolonged state of fear and anxiety is very detrimental to our immune systems as it will excite excessive amounts of cortisol and adrenaline. When appropriately invoked, the stress response helps us rise to many challenges. But excess stress is associated with elevated cortisol levels, which negatively impacts immune function. Our ability to stand appropriate immune responses to stressors declines with the ageing process and makes our elderly more vulnerable in falling sick.
Stress is mostly difficult to define because what may appear to be a stressful situation for one person is not for another. When people are exposed to situations they regard as stressful, it is difficult for them to measure how much stress they feel.

Therefore, to lessen such fear and anxiety, that could wretch our health, here is a quick rundown on some ways to manage the strain, turn apprehension into assurance and foster community & self-connection in times of social-distancing:

·      Breathing practices - A growing number of empirical studies have revealed that diaphragmatic breathing may trigger body relaxation responses and benefit both physical and mental health.
Breathe deeply to oxygenate lungs, slow the heart rate down and switch the nervous system from the fight or flight response to the restful and rejuvenating parasympathetic pathway. This instantly shuts off the cortisol response. The breathing plays a significant role in other practices as well like yoga, mindfulness meditation, tai chi etc.

·      Meditation- Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years. Meditation originally was meant to help deepen understanding of the sacred and mystical forces of life. Now, it is considered as a type of mind-body complementary medicine. Studies show that practicing meditation can produce a deep state of relaxation and a tranquil mind.
Ways to meditate can include guided meditation, mindfulness meditation, mantra meditation, yoga, tai chi and drawing zentangle etc. With a variety available, it is easy to pick the one which resonates to oneself.

·      Homeopathy- It gives a great importance to mental health both in treatment of physical and mental illnesses. The Homeopathic understanding of health is intimately connected to its understanding of mind in general. There are many remedies which can help with both temporary anxiety and fear, and chronic psychological problems. Though deep acting, Homeopathic remedies are gentle, safe, non-addictive and without side effects.
Research study surveys suggest that homeopathy is quite frequently used by people suffering from anxiety. A research shows that Homeopathic prescription for anxiety and depression in primary care lead to less use of psychotropic drugs, and more clinical improvement.

While Covid-19 is in the centre of healthcare at present, it is also very important to continue to manage underlying illnesses and chronic disease. Often it is those who are chronically ill, the very young and the very old who have worse outcomes with acute viral infections. We are blissful to say that our clients have been in upright health, so please keep in connection with your respective health care provider.

Hopefully we are halfway through and will reach the end real soon.
Keep calm, with your guards still on!
Together, we will win this Marathon!!

Stay Well J

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